I have been so busy making these aprons for my kids school fund raising event. I got a little carried away- can you tell? But, I had so much fun it was worth it!
Here is the kids apron.
I followed the pattern by Montessori By Hand- now found here. I just love this pattern. It is written so clearly and I followed it just as written (except for the applique, which was my design). I recycled fabric by using clothing donated by each child in the class. They gave me items that were stained and could no longer be used, but the fabric was cute or had an interesting texture. Some of the fabrics were from my stash- I was so happy to have an excuse to use some fabric---this just gives me an excuse to get more..heeheehee and there are so many great fabrics out there; especially now with Spoonflower!
My favorite is the little gnome in the tire swing. His beard is made from an old washcloth. My son's teacher calls him Moinalee (sp?) I think this is a European term for gnome. Does anyone know?
This is a photo of the backside of the apron- with my slightly off attempt at embroidering a label- see the messy green and red area on the left? Thanks to the tutorial from futuregirl- I still need some practice making these.
See the adult apron now- using the Retro Apron Pattern bought here
Here is the dog checking out my handiwork. I think she likes it.
I like how the gnome is peeking out from the tree and the owl hidden in the tree. This was a fun project.
Again, thanks to futuregirl. Please advise the best way to get rid of the pesky paper. I had a super hard time with this and hence, had to leave some on there. You can hardly see it, the photo is not great- it's a wonder I even left it on there- it says "Made with Love by Mama J. Pea Bee (that's me!). Happy weekend everyone.
The applique on the child's apron is amazing! The wash cloth beard is inspired. So cute! Getting the paper out is hard and takes a lot of patience. I use fingernail scissors and tweezers. It takes forever, but in the end, it's worth it. :)